In all honesty we don't know exactly how it works which is why we are creating a comedy focused practice arena with no lifeguards on duty. Dive In, propose topics, discuss, and vote. We don't seek power, we don't run candidates for political offices, but we may be able to improve peoples lives and learn something about political science.
Do you think the future will be worse or better? Learn how to use liquid democracy by experimenting with electronic stuff to figure out the best pancakes with an Eames credo of the Best, for the Most, for the Least. And of course create and deploy long lasting PANCAKE ROBOTS / machines as a gift to future generations.
Basically you will be able to use an Electronic Democracy operating system to shape how future Pancake Robots and Pancake Mixes will be created and deployed, and suggest and participate in experimental political science and art. Through trial and error of a relatively harmless goal of bringing about the Pancake Robot Era, you can learn how to live in Dahl's Democracy with the ability to vote or abstain or delegate your vote to experts on a particular topic.
The funnier the experiments for agenda, the better. If and when the Pancake Robots takeover, it will be your fault.