Untanglers are essentially people who are mediators and peace keepers. People who volunteer to get projects done around their community. A module of Untanglers works in groups of 7 people?
One of the thoughts here is an attempt to explore a potential job for the future. There has been some talk of citizens receiving a "Universal Basic Income" because robots and artificial intelligence will take all the jobs. But that doesn't mean that we don't have options for meaningful work. So, as an experiment, the members of Plebisciety USA can assume the title of "Untanglers" and practice living with pancake robots. For now, an Untangler is a volunteer position. Your basic income will be jack squat.
In theory, there will probably be Experimental "Partial" Income subsidies. We can imagine two forms: 1) Passive Income Supplements (P.I.S.), and 2) Active Income Supplements (A.I.S.). P.I.S. is just sent to you digitally for doing nothing. Active Income Supplements would be distributed for conveying some sort of work achieved.
An example of an A.I.S. would be receiving a supplemental distribution for working as an Untangler for running an apology court, kind of like the Canadian Apology Court thing. A module of seven Untanglers could convene to facilitate an American version of the apology court. The apology court has no authority to punish anyone. There would be a Listener Party and the Apologizing Party. The Listener would be able to either accept or reject the apology. The parties could have some sort of resolution to continue a relationship of sorts or the parties could choose to go their separate ways.
One of the main key features of Untanglers is that Untanglers shall never have authority to punish another person. The purpose of this rule is to provide a social mechanism that solely relies on the Distributive side of Justice. A proposed Equation of Justice being "Justice = Distribution +/- Punishment:" And a recognition, that in order to form a more perfect Union, We the People must find paths that increase Distribution, and decrease Punishment.
Untanglers can be a resource for Distribution in many ways yet to be determined. They would serve as a social force to act against Ostracism Fetish (Ingroup bonding through Outgroup hostility). One of the problems of Democracy, as a by product, is when groups form as a mechanism against each other. As Democracy evolves, it is probably propitious for Democracy to Diversify within Democracy, which can devolve into madness or betterment.
The ultimate goal, based on our Constitution, is to proffer the Blessings of Liberty to all Citizens. A proposed Equation of Liberty being "Self Regulation + Self Determination = Liberty:" All citizens can Self Regulate in accordance to their purposeful aims - Self Determination, in a way that brings about improvement for themselves and others.
Untanglers fulfill a basic human need, that of balancing Pleasure. An Untangler seeks to exercise Civic Virtue, which fulfills the Eudaimonism side of pleasure. Let's just call it "Eudai." or YouDay? It's the lesser known pleasure that can help balance Hedonism. Being an Untangler or taking gigs of a periodic Untangler would exercise an individual's YouDay.